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Connect today.

Churches (urban and rural) and individuals partnering through TRP will be compelled by the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and, despite coming from different backgrounds, will be theological aligned to the FIEC Basis of Faith and distinctives.

  • Do you feel like an outlier on a network map?

  • Would you like to meaningfully connect with rural churches and rural leaders?

  • Do you have a vision for rural planting or revitalisation?

  • Would you and/or your church like to invest in rural planting?

Pray & Participate

Join one of our Zoom meetings.

Imagine you and other members of your church gathering online with other rural fellowships (from across Great Britain) and perhaps breaking into small ‘rooms’ to hear stories and pray for one another.

We envisage facilitating a number of online gatherings; which may introduce a specific topic for discussion.

We believe that discussing rural challenges and opportunities and, indeed, the sharing of stories will be a great catalyst for rural mission.

  • Would you like to learn how others are responding to the Great Commission - in rural areas?

  • Do we believe the Holy Spirit gives saving faith and empowers God’s people?


Make use of our new learning hub - an exciting partnership with Crosslands.

Be part of a TRP learning cohort (made up of members and leaders), and be developed for rural mission.

  • Would you like to learn with others, from other similar contexts?

  • Do you find it difficult to deliver quality theological training alone?


Attend our next conference.

Through your attendance at our conferences, you will help champion rural ministry, you will be inspired, you will inspire others and you will get to gather with friends to celebrate Christ’s victory - even in rural places.

  • Would you like to gather, worship, learn, inspire and be inspired?


Help fund our shared rural vision.

We envisage The Rural Project being a means of channeling partner generosity towards specific rural missional (planting) projects and Rural Residencies.

In short, our vision for facilitating rural mission and planting is dependent on your generous gifts.

  • Will you consider financially supporting The Rural Project?

  • Could you help generate steams of funding?

  • Would you be interested in investing in a 3-4 Year Rural Residency?


Be obedient to the Great Commission - consider a Rural Residency

We also have an exciting vision to place and further develop godly and gifted individuals within one of our rural churches (a Rural Residency) - with a view to support their future deployment to a strategic area of need.

  • Are you exploring a call to ministry - and would you like to explore a Rural Residency?

  • Could you work with others, in order to plant or revitalise a rural church?

  • Are you interested in exploring how others might support your vision for planting or revitalisation?


Project Leadership Team

The day to day running of TRP projects is entrusted to a number of leaders - united by a shared love of Christ, a shared vision for rural people (and places) and a shared theological basis of faith. These leaders live and minister across GB with two championing our need in the US:

Tony Wilkinson (Grace Church, Orkney)

Tim Wilson (Wheelock Heath Baptist Church)

Jonathan Bond (Director for Small Churches, FIEC)

Catherine Carvel (Crosslands Training)

Rob Scothern and David Moss (Peak Trinity Church, Bakewell)

David Pinckney (Acts 29 Rural Strategist)

Toby Martin (Grace Church, Boroughbridge)

Kyle Black (Watershed Church, Texas)

Kenny Rogan (Hope Church, Aviemore)

John Hindley (Broadgrace, Norfolk)


Our shared activity is governed by our charity trustees: Jonathan Bond, Rob Scothern and Robert Strivens.

Ready to get involved?