Island Aflame (A Review)
Perhaps like me your knowledge of the famous Lewis and Harris Revival of 1949-52 was influenced greatly by the writings and recordings of the man God brought to spearhead the movement, the Rev Duncan Campbell of the Faith Mission.
But what if his presentation of events was not wholly accurate? This has now been further explored by revival historian Tom Lennie in his new book, Island Aflame. The subtitle gives a clue as to the content - The Famed Lewis Awakening That Never Occurred and the Glorious Revival That Did.
The stories told by Campbell from the Revival are so well known throughout the world that bringing them under scrutiny might feel treasonous to some. As a people of truth, however, it is clear that for the Christian, truth really matters. At the very least, it silences detractors who have sought to discredit the Revival over the years. God undoubtedly moved in a wonderful and powerful way in the Hebrides, and this is clearly recorded within these pages; indeed, it forms the largest part of the book.
Lennie looks into the statistics of church membership changes, and the records made by people at the time, including Duncan Campbell himself, as well as speaking to those converted during the Revival. The result of all this highlights the fact that some of what was later reported cannot be corroborated. Campbell’s theology and the previous books on and reporting of the Revival are also examined, as is the remarkable revival history of Lewis and Harris leading up to 1949.
We are therefore left with a number of questions. Why would Duncan Campbell seemingly embellish what God had done, especially in his later accounts? Why, when those converted during the Revival knew there were discrepancies, did they not say more at the time, in order to give a sense of balance? These questions and others are tackled by Lennie with compassion, and he frequently offers admiration for Campbell’s dedication to the cause, whilst at the same time acknowledging that some of his accounts, both verbal and written, were questionable.
All this served to remind me that the best of men are men at best. But much more than that, it arouses in me a desire that God would indeed once again “Rend the Heavens and come down”. In one sense the numbers converted and joining the Church as a result of the Revival were surprisingly modest – after all, the population of Lewis & Harris was not particularly high. Yet the effect of this outpouring has reverberated around the world during these last 70 years.
Learning that some of the sensational stories told may not have happened as described does not detract from the glorious transformation that genuinely took place there, nor from the majesty and power of our God who brought it to fruition in the first place.
Let us all pray that He might do it again! Soli Deo Gloria.
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Tony Wilkinson
Tony Wilkinson has been married to Anne for 36 years and they have been blessed to have two adult children and one grandchild, with another on the way. Originally members of the Church of Scotland, they resigned in 2015 and are founder members of Grace Church Orkney, an FIEC affiliated legacy church plant established in 2017. Tony is an elder at GCO and the whole church family is looking forward to partnering with 20schemes on mission to the West Mainland of Orkney from their base in Stromness, a small town of 1800 people. As a “real” job Tony has been a GP for 33 years, the last 19 of which have been at Stromness, Graemsay and Flotta Surgery in Orkney which has been far more sane than anywhere else in the UK (if you know anyone looking for a GP job like it used to be, then give them a shout as he plans to retire from practice next year!!).