
  1. Help Plant in Northumberland

We would like to invite you and your church to be an invested partner in our first facilitated plant – in rural Northumberland.

Matthew will relocate, as a Church Planting Resident, to Wooler Evangelical Church (WEC) in early 2025. WEC will employ Matthew as his host church for three years – with the focus of years 2-3 shifting to the planting of a new work in a neighbouring area of need.

We need to raise 50% of their annual costs which equates to approx. £20,000/Yr - that’s approx. £1,700/mth..

Could your church partner with Matt and Rosie?

Express interest

If you are interested in exploring a residency programme, supported by The Rural Project, then please fill in the form.

We envisage a 3-4 year programme. Our process will include:

  • Recruiting the right candidate into a GB church placement (residency) - within a healthy rural church

  • Readying through coaching, ‘on the job’ experience and seminary level training (if appropriate)

  • Resourcing the residency through partnerships - including support raising funds for the future

  • Releasing (year 3 or 4), following assessment, into an identified revitalisation or new planting opportunity